林風眠(1900~1991)為呂蒙作 繡球花
紙本 設色?
簽名:呂蒙同志正畫 林風眠
出版:1. 《海上丹青—書畫名家選集》圖版6,上海人民美術出版社,2005年。
2. 《南北畫壇—中國近現代名家書畫集》P86,上海書畫出版社,2011年。
3. 《翰墨因緣—近現代名家書畫選集》P130,香港美術出版社,2022年。
4. 《大觀—中國近現代名家書畫集》P169,香港美術出版社,2023年。
說明:1. 呂蒙上款。
2. 呂蒙(1915~1996),浙江永康人。廣州市立美專西畫系畢業。歷任上海市軍管會文藝處美術室主任,華東人民出版社副社長,又為中國美協常務理事,上海美協副主席,華東人民出版社副社長,上海人民美術出版社社長兼總編輯,上海畫院院長、上海林風眠研究協會首屆會長。1979年呂蒙任上海中國畫院院長時,對林風眠出國、以及在法國辦展等事提供諸多支持。1979上海人民美術出版社《林風眠畫集》以呂氏長文 <抒情的詩篇> 為序;為推廣林風眠該年在法國個人展覽,呂蒙撰文 <林風眠及其繪畫藝術>,分別出版于當年英、法文版《中國文學》。1977年林風眠離開上海前以畫贈好友,到香港后與呂蒙保持著書信往來,堪為至交。
Lin Fengmian (1900-1991) Hydrangea?
Ink and color on paper?
Signed 'Lin Fengmian' in Chinese; with a red seal of the artist
Illustrated: 1. Ink Art of Shanghai School: Selected Paintings and Calligraphy of Masters, pl. 6, Shanghai People's Fine Arts Publishing House, 2005
2. Collection of the Works of Famous Calligraphers and Painters from Modern and Contemporary China: South and North Art Circles, p. 86, Shanghai Calligraphy and Painting Publishing House, 2011
3. Ink and Wash Connections: Selected Works of Modern and Contemporary Masters, p. 130, Hong Kong Fine Arts Publishing House, 2022
4. An Overview of Modern and Contemporary Chinese Masters of Painting and Calligraphy, p. 169, Hong Kong Fine Arts Publishing House, 2023
Note: Dedicated to Lv Meng.
Provenance: Previously collected by Lv Meng.
RMB: 1,200,000-2,800,000